Recipes > Mezze (Lebanese Appetizers) , Lebanese Cuisine

Baba Ghannouj / Grilled Eggplant Dip

Serves 4

  • 6 large eggplants (about 250g each)
  • 4 tbsp Tahini
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed (or ¼ tsp Adonis garlic powder)
  • Juice of 1 lemon, or to taste
  • Sea salt
  • Fresh pomegranate seeds (Ideally the sour type)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
Cooking instructions

Prick the eggplants in several places with a small knife to stop them from bursting during cooking. Place them on a non-stick baking sheet and cook under a hot grill for 25 minutes on each side. The eggplants are ready when they have become very soft to the touch. By then, the skin should have become slightly charred for a smoky taste.

Remove the grilled eggplants onto a large chopping board. Cut each in half lengthways, and with a spoon, scoop out the flesh. Place the flesh in a colander to drain the excess liquid. Let it drain for a least half an hour.

Put the eggplants in a wide mixing bowl and mash with a masher or the back of a fork. Be sure not to crush them too much, as you want the dip to have texture. Add the tahini and salt to taste. Mix well. Then add the lemon juice and crushed garlic. Mix well. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.

Transfer the dip to a shallow serving bowl and with the back of a spoon; spread it the same way as with hummus. The garnish can be the same as that of hummus, using mint instead of parsley; or you can use pomegranate seeds, arranged in a star shape in the middle and at regular intervals along the edge. Olive oil is of course used with both garnishes.